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Illustrator/designer living in Osaka.
I have worked on illustrations for magazines, books, leaflets, and websites.
After studying graphic design at university, I started working as a designer for a printing company. After that, I have been working as a DTP operator and designer as well as an illustrator until now.
When I was a child, I lived in a place surrounded by vegetable gardens and bamboo thickets. There were mandarin oranges, loquat, tea, and sansho trees, and my grandfather grew vegetables for each season. On windy days, the bamboo thicket seemed to be one giant creature, its branches and leaves rippling and clashing with each other, the sound echoing eerily and beautifully from deep within the dark bushes.Perhaps because I grew up in such an environment, the green of plants became a special color for me.No matter where I am, I feel invigorated when I see fresh greenery in the sunlight.I have been searching for a way to express the strength, beauty, comfort, and peacefulness of plants that I have always felt, and I hope that my illustrations will bring hope to someone’s life, even for a moment.
●(株)ブティック社 雑誌『野菜だより』 解説イラスト
『よみきかせえほん グリム童話』 挿絵
●(株)アルビオン リーフレット イメージイラスト
●(株)キングレコード CDジャケットイラスト
●学校図書(株) 広報誌『TEADA』 表紙イラスト
内田康夫 著 『イーハトーブの幽霊』 カバーイラスト
雑誌『ひよこクラブ』 カットイラスト
●東急百貨店 広告イラスト
『うきは市の森と木のことがわかる本』 表紙イラスト
● 明治図書出版株式会社 評価用教材挿絵
●サンスター 『健康道場』カタログ表紙イラスト
●(株) コーセー「雪肌精」和漢植物 カットイラスト
●(株)日宣 フリーペーパー『Pacoma』イラスト
他 年賀状、雑誌広告、医療系解説イラスト等